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Monday, December 17, 2012
Bethel approves tobacco tax
Soon it will be more expensive to be a tobacco user in Bethel. At the last meeting of the Bethel City Council passed ordinance that would raise taxes on all tobacco products sold in the city.
Resolution up the price of cigarettes by $ 2.21 per pack and raise the price of other tobacco products by 45%.
More than a dozen people showed up to the Council to comment on the tax and most of them were in his favor.
Brian Knutson, a local paramedic, said tobacco products are "more deaths than deaths from HIV, illegal drug use, alcohol use, vehicle injuries, suicides and murders combined."
Citizens who spoke before the council praised the possibilities are ultimately causes people to quit smoking forever.
They also said that it could detour young people from picking up the tobacco in the first place, then, Doug Boyer, the site administrator at a boarding school Bethel Alternative, said that he sees every day.
"Close to 45-50% of my students have seen suppliers to the hospital to try to kick this tobacco," says Boyer.
Although in the minority, not all in the gallery thought the tax was a good idea.
"One part of the population was in favor of taxation to another segment of citizens, because the behavior they do not like, again complacent. This hypocrisy. And all this in order to make people feel good when you create the class struggle," said John Furlong.
City Council reiterated gallery, with the majority of council members in favor of the tax, and some were against. Ordinance passed 4-2.
Council members Rick Robb and Mark Springer had a special vote.
"This ruling could potentially have very negative unintended consequences," said Robb.
He said that the tax may cause parents to spend extra money on tobacco, which, as a rule, go for food for their children. He also says that retailers may be tempted to keep the price of tobacco on its current course and pass the increase the tax on to consumers through higher prices for other products.
Bethel Mayor Joe Klejka said he sees retailers shifting responsibility to the non-smokers and sees benefit in the tax.
"I do not want to kill myself for less cost, I want to kill myself slowly value of degrees higher," Klejka said.
The financial aspect of the decision has not yet been developed.
City Finance Director asked for sixty days to get everything in order before the tax officially implemented.
Some on the council would like to see all the revenues from the tax to go to the city's youth programs, while others would like to see that money put into the general fund of the city.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Social business does business with big tobacco
A few months ago I wrote a blog post about the intention to TerraCycle, a national program to recycle all waste, including even cigarette butts. Our programs have grown; we have often had an internal debate about what we want the company to be a partner to help them make their waste (which in turn makes their products greener.)
We have come to understand that every industry has its problems. For example, the food industry has a lot of controversy surrounding the use of refined sugar, corn and soy in their products. And clothing industry has a problem related to the use of skin and fur, and cosmetic industries have problems regarding animal testing, which some retailers require. The list goes on, and I am increasingly convinced that there really is not a perfect product, which we all have to consider when buying things.
A month after this post, in the middle of May, we introduced a cigarette recycling program in Canada. It was a success with over 400 people registered and the collection of more than 180,000 cigarette butts has been collected. Somewhat to my surprise, several Canadian media have been positive about the program. Even now, if you search for "cigarette processing," we occupy an important place in the top 10 links that come.
And now, we have started a similar program in the United States, along with Santa Fe Tobacco, which is owned by RJ Reynolds. We are more than 220 collection sites registered within the first 24 hours and over 400 in a few days.
Consumers can create a collection location at no cost by signing up for a home or business on our Web site. We pay shipping, and for every pound of cigarette waste collected, we donate $ 1 to Keep America Beautiful. We have also recently introduced a pilot program in Spain, with British American Tobacco. We have received confirmation of interest from various tobacco companies in other countries that are interested in establishing similar programs.
Waste customers send us crushed and separated. Organic material in the compost (ash, tobacco and paper) and inorganic (cellulose acetate filter, onboard packing components) is made in plastic products such as plastic pallets.
There is no technical reason why cigarette butts, as well as all other traditionally no recyclable waste can not be recycled. It simply costs more to recycle waste cigarettes than the output costs, and processing companies have chosen not to get into the business. Instead, they focus on things like aluminum cans and paper that have good volume and a strong economy.
In our case, the economy works because tobacco companies finance the difference by sponsoring our teams. It's kind of voluntary national bottle bill for cigarettes or voluntary extension of product liability. TerraCycle tries to make money on both ends. Further $ 15 million in sales this year, however, we are still only modestly profitable. We hope that, as our growth in collections, our profit will be too.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
A History of Catholicism and Tobacco
In 1873, the poor Confederate veterans Chiswell Langhorne (left) moved his family from Lynchburg to Danville, Virginia, and began to look for a job. Danville tobacco warehouse owner has recently developed a new system of tobacco auction: Instead of tobacco farmers barrels selected for interested buyers, owner of tobacco was all set out in long rows for auction. Langhorne, a lively character, with a taste for show, had the idea that he would make his mark once in the newly thriving tobacco trade Danville.
He was an Episcopalian, but during a visit to a Catholic friend in Richmond at the time he attended Mass with him one Sunday morning, and to hear Gregorian chant priest. Langhorne "decided that maybe he could put the home entertainment needs of storekeepers, imitating stimulating singing priest, along with the fact that he later came up with," drum "and" devour Hook, "which will encourage customers and please collect the public."
He added his rhythmic body language and thus created a fast-paced and entertaining auction chant, which allowed customers moving along several tobaccos rapid development track sales.
He served in Langhorne good as it has generations of tobacco auctions, which came after him, each one adding their own style. After the success of the auction brought Langhorne some money, he began to invest in railways, transport tobacco from Danville, left the auction business, and eventually made a fortune, allowing his family to move to the estate near Charlottesville and work himself back in the Virginia aristocracy. His daughter Irene married illustrator Charles Dana Gibson and became a model for his drawings Gibson girl, and his daughter, Nancy married Waldorf Astor in England, was elected to Parliament, converted from the Episcopal Church of Christian Science, and was viciously anti-Catholic, despite the fact that, as we say, the success of her family wound back as the turn of tobacco, her father heard Gregorian chant on Sunday at high Mass. (right: Danville auction warehouse postcard, 1946)
Former Fumo Dare Lucem
At that time, just after the Spanish explorers introduced tobacco by Columbus Travel, smoking or snuff it-like natives of the New World, nothing was carrying something in the air hell, because the natives saw him as a connection to the unseen spirits. For some of the most important mission of the clergy, their wreaths of smoke and its effect on the spirit of those who imbibed it was a kind of parody of the sacramental mysteries of the Church, established in the New World before the devil in order to prevent his evangelization. (Left: Les femurs and other le-priseurs New York Public Library)
By 1575, the provincial councils in the New World have had to consider the fact that the Indians convert to Catholicism, led the practice of smoking in the church during the liturgy, tobacco smoke, in their traditions, and summoned spirits. They offered to smoke as incense, or mixed with other spices. Mexican church authorities have banned smoking in the Church in America
In 1583 the synod in Lima said that "it is forbidden under pain of eternal damnation for the priests of the administration of the sacraments, or to take the smoke sayri, or tobacco in his mouth, or the powder of tobacco on the nose, even under the guise of medicine before the service the masses. "In 1588, the College of Cardinals in Rome approved the ban, as applied in the Spanish colonies in America.
But the problem is not confined to America. Tobacco use is prohibited, snuffs, and chewing, very quickly distributed throughout the Old World, too. And spread both among the laity and clergy. The point is misleading: There is no shortage of people who hated tobacco, as unhealthy, dirty, eat, and even sinful, but there were also many people who pointed to its advantages, its calming effect, large and small pleasures in its use, it ability to promote sociability (perhaps to welcome the world peoples, the international brotherhood of smoke), and even (in the case of nasal snuff) their medical effectiveness as a way to clear the sinuses, causing a head-blowing.
However, the use of tobacco in the church quickly emerged in Europe as it was in New Spain, and it was linked to the question of sacrilege during Mass one Sunday in Naples, the priest during the celebration of Mass sniff nasal snuff only after Holy Communion. It seems that he was not experienced snuffer, because he fell into a fit of sneezing, which caused him to vomit the Blessed Sacrament on the altar in front of his horrified congregation. (Right: "Three Inseparables," 111 cigarettes ad, 1921)
As tobacco is spread through Europe, the Catholic clergy, the church has focused on its invasion of the church. What was anathema was not using it as such, and its use before or during the liturgy. And especially the clergy, who were to maintain absolute cleanliness and purity of the altar, liturgical vestments, and arms, which were consecration Host. Tobacco smoke is not equal incense.
Pope Urban VIII, on January 30, 1642 issued a bull semen Ecclesiae, in which he responded to the complaints of the Dean of the Cathedral of Seville, declaring that any taking of tobacco through the mouth or nose, or in large chunks, shredded, dried, or smoked in a pipe, Church in the Diocese of Seville, will receive a sentence of excommunication sentential tensor wide.
The reason for the ban, he explained that for the protection of the Mass and the church of evil. In Seville, the bad habits of tobacco grown so much, he said, that men and women, clergy and laity, "or while they perform their services in the choir and the altar, and while they listened to the Mass and the Divine Office, [who] were not at the same time and with great disrespect, tobacco, and with offensive feces sullying the altar, holy sites and places of the churches of the Diocese of sidewalks that "Some priests, apparently, was not. going so far as to post-box on the altar while they were talking, Mass.
This ban has caused a huge number of urban (Urban?) Legends for centuries, aggravated by bad rumor and attribution-some of it as a worldwide ban on the use of tobacco, some attributed it incorrectly or dad gave the wrong date, and some of them even say that the Pope forbade the use of tobacco, because he whimsically thought sneezing that tobacco caused resembled sexual ecstasy, which was out of place in the church. (Hey, Mr. Papa Keep your rosaries out of our nose Aries!) Recently, gray legend became so worn and flow erosion, poor Pope Urban VIII was even accused of trying to prevent the unlikely madness sneezing, full stop.
In 1650, eight years after the bull Urban VIII, Innocent X founded the same penalty for the use of tobacco in the chapels, the sacristy and the porch arch basilica St. John Lateran and St. Peter's in Rome, on the grounds that He spent a lot of time, talent and money embellishing them, setting precious beads and jewelry on the floor of the chapel with bas-reliefs, and he did not want them stained with the juice of tobacco smoke. Innocent XI was later confirmed by a bull.
By 1685, some theologians were debating whether Urban VIII and Innocent X bulls could be implicitly understood to refer to the Universal Church, and, if so, they wondered how it applies to all the property of the church (not just the sanctuary and the sacristy, some asked whether the priest was included).
Although Benedict XIII (tobacco, originating itself) reinforced the need to keep tobacco out of the altar and the tabernacle, in 1725 he abolished the penalty of excommunication for smoking in St. Peter, because he recognized that parishioners often escapes from the Mass for a while to catch a smoke or snuff, and he decided that it was better for them to stay inside and not to destroy or disrupt the liturgy or miss part of it.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Lawyers spar in court
It was controversial at the last day to testify for the woman who says she gave it, the prison guard pouches packed with drugs to bring the prisoners in a correctional center of Regina.
Laura Reynolds, the sixth day of testimony in a jury trial Brent Taylor, Miles, 50, was littered with legal protest and the decision of Justice Eugene Scheibel on what was and was not appropriate or misleading. When the judge asked Reynolds can be dismissed when issues ended Friday, attorney James Korpan said: "I think it was enough."
During cross-examination earlier this week, Reynolds testified that she never discussed with Taylor, the content-filled pouches of drugs he had taken from his home for prisoners Sanford Brass, and Kevin Lee Stonechild. She said she assumed that he knew that the bags are held.
In redirecting the Crown prosecutor Doug Curliss, Reynolds told the court about a conversation with Taylor in which he claimed that he was once stopped by police for traffic after checking the house, the officers reportedly called a "drug house."
"He (Taylor) said that he did not know whether drugs in packages," Reynolds has shown, adding that he came into the house to pick up the package is about 10 times or more after that.
She said she heard about the traffic stop on both Taylor and brass, and the conversation with the accused has been about 2008 or 2009. "It was so long ago now," she added.
"He still came and took the bag ... and he does everything right, and while August or September of '09," she said.
Allowed a limited re-examination, Korpan said that when Reynolds revealed earlier this week, and asked what she knew to stop the movement came from the brass, she replied: "Yes." She then said that she and Taylor are not talking about drugs in the package - "He never came up."
"It was so long ago," Reynolds told the court on Friday. "I know, I had a conversation with him. When they were, I can not tell you," she said, concluding her testimony.
Taylor on the court 15 charges arising from investigations into the alleged smuggling of drugs into the prison Regina, where he worked as a guard in 1987. Most of the crimes allegedly occurred between January 1, 2007 and February 27, 2010. Two charges in an attempt to obstruct justice and violation of conditions of release by contacting the witness for the prosecution Reynolds allegedly took place January 5, 2011.
Seven women and five men of the jury heard eight days of evidence. "You've worked hard," Scheibel said in a dismissal of the jury a long weekend. On Tuesday, Curliss is expected to call its final witness, a woman who claims she was the first to give a drug-filled bags Taylor tobacco. A court order prohibits identification of women.
In the video, played this week, Taylor, when questioned RCMP, which has repeatedly denied drugs in jail, saying that he delivered tobacco brass and Taylor on several occasions. He also denied receiving money for it. The Court considered the tobacco smuggling is also considered a smoking prison.
Monday, November 5, 2012
British American Tobacco earnings rise
British American Tobacco (BAT, BTI) reported 4% growth in revenue at constant exchange rates for the nine months ended September 2012, despite the decline in the group.
Revenue growth was driven by continued good price.
Revenue decreased by 1%, the negative impact of the exchange rate and organic revenue growth in constant currency by 3%, the joint many said.
Releasing her Interim Management on Wednesday, BAT said group volumes declined, after a low Q3, mainly due to decline in heavy industry and the comparator, although the effect is expected to moderate in Q4.
Group volumes from subsidiaries were 517 billion, up 1.2%, while organic volumes were 1.8% lower as a result of decline in the industry and use in the comparative period of time increase the volume of sales in Japan.
Industry volume was down in Brazil as a result of a significant increase in excise duty which led to an increase in illegal trade. The benefit for the group of volumes from the acquisition of protease in Colombia and increased sales in Bangladesh, Vietnam, Pakistan and the Gulf countries, was more than offset by a reduction in Brazil, Japan, Italy, Turkey and Egypt.
Basic market share grew with strong performances in most of the top 40 markets.
Chief Executive Nicandro Durante said the economic recovery remains fragile in this year and trading conditions remain difficult in many parts of the world.
"However, prices remain high, we are growing major market share and our Global Brands Drive to continue to perform well. Trading activity of the Group is good and we are on track for another year of good earnings growth."
BAT noted that the four Global Brands Drive continued their good performance and achieved overall volume growth of 3 percent. Kent was up slightly, growing in Russia, Ukraine and Azerbaijan, but nearly offset by a decline in Japan. Dunhill was 2 percent higher than last year, with good performances in the Gulf countries, South Africa, Romania and Indonesia, partly offset by the negative impact of competitive pricing in the activities of South Korea.
Good performances in Pakistan, Romania, Russia and Canada, partially offset by lower volumes in Chile, Spain and Italy, contributed 2 percent increase Pall Mall. Lucky Strike has grown by 14 percent after a good growth in Poland, Germany, France, South Korea, Argentina and Chile.
Other tobacco products are made very well, and market share grew strongly. Volume grew 8 percent to 10,739 tons Fine Cut in Western Europe, mainly in Germany, France, Hungary, the Netherlands, Spain and the United Kingdom. Pall Mall is the largest fine Cut brand in Western Europe.
Looking ahead, the group said, the environment continues to be challenging, with industry volumes under pressure. In these conditions, the expansion of the illegal trade remains a threat, driven by excise increases and pressure on disposable income of consumers.
BAT said it resumed market share repurchase programmed end of February 2012. In the nine months to September 2012, 30 million shares were purchased for a total of GBP978 million, excluding transaction costs.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
The city manager, city attorney, was "a little knowledge" cigarette operation
Hampton Police Chief Charles R. Jordan Jr. said City Manager Hampton, and its top lawyer was "very little knowledge" of the secret police sting cigarette business, which has been in operation for 19 months.
Jordan said on Monday that the City Manager Mary Bunting and City Attorney Cynthia Hudson did not know the details of the investigation - including the millions of dollars flowing through the account of covert operations - while it was under way.
"It has been a long practice, the provision of this organization to limit the impact of these secret operations for persons with 'need to know," said the statement by Jordan, issued by the office of communications on Monday. "Therefore, and in accordance with the policy in the past, Mary Bunting and Cynthia Hudson had very little knowledge about this secretly operation."
It was not until someone came to him with a complaint about police misconduct, January 27 - bringing Jordan to shut down the entire operation - that Jordan gave Hudson and oatmeal detailed investigation, he said Tuesday.
"They really became involved when I saw the red flag, and I need to work with them, to see how we are going to handle it," said Jordan. "They have become much more aware of when I shut down the operation and there were problems, and I came to him with a" Hey, here's the situation. That's when they got a much more detailed briefing."
The police set up a fake company, Blue Tobacco water as part of a secret operation to deal with the people involved in the illegal trafficking of cigarettes and related crimes. The investigation has not produced the arrests, however, for more than one and a half years in operation.
But more than $ 3 million flowed through the company's account at Langley Federal Credit Union, according to the records of the city. Most of this money was used to constantly replenish the cigarette supply company. But some of them have been spent on nine new cars and trucks, electronics, and is in the officer training trip to New York, Las Vegas and other cities.
City officials did not respond to questions about which, if any, outside the Hampton Police Department knew of the ongoing investigation into the cost of cigarettes or approved of it.
At the request of Jordan on Monday, "just knowing" oatmeal and Hudson had surgery before it was discontinued in April, came about in 2011, when he discussed with them how to accept a gift that Hampton Police Department was scheduled to receive from cigarette maker.
This was about nine months after the surgery.
Jordan said in an interview Tuesday that Bunting and Hudson were involved only for the "limited purpose" of obtaining the necessary permits the City Council to accept the gift. Even then, he said, he did not share many details with them about the cost or anything.
"They knew about the decision," said Jordan. "They do not know anything about the operation itself, as we did, as we talk about it every day. They just do not know any details about it."
He said, oatmeal and Hudson were "basic knowledge" of the gift - that he had to come with safety hand cigarette manufacturer.
"They will be informed of the nature of the work, when we finally shut it down," Jordan said Tuesday. "We had hoped to celebrate makes a lot of arrests and show the link between this type of exploitation and violent crime in the community."
Hampton City Council, which approves the budget of the Police Department, has never subscribed to the cost Tobacco blue waters. In addition, they have never said more than $ 700,000 in the bank Blue Water, while Daily Press told them about it in September, eight months after the secret cigarette business was closed.
During the sit-down interview two weeks ago, Jordan was vague about anyone outside the Hampton Police Department to control or approved expenditures from the account Tobacco blue waters.
When asked whether the city will approve expenditures, he said: "Not necessarily," but did not give a definitive answer, saying that the policy of the city is expected to be met.
In the same interview on September 27, Jordan said oatmeal was aware of the secret operation of cigarettes, as it was in motion, "Does she know about the work that we have done the surgery?
Jordan said in the same interview that the Hudson, too, has been consulted.
"We've had numerous conversations with the lawyer of the city, in particular, on the various aspects of it," he said then. "We have received their advice on how to do certain things ... For me it's a good checks and balances when you know someone as notable as Cynthia Hudson or in the office of her lawyer to comment on some things ... It is very insightful, knowledgeable lawyer, and I'm taking her advice. I respect it. "
Later in the day the Daily News reporter asked other city officials to confirm this statement, Hudson told a reporter she would call Jordan to discuss the matter and get back to the daily press.
But she never called back.
Jordan explained Tuesday that he may think of the Commonwealth Attorney Linda Curtis, with whom he said he had discussed the operation. Or, Jordan said, he could have just thought about conversations with Hudson, associated with the gift of ruling.
In turn, Curtis said Daily Press she had no involvement in the secret operation of cigarettes, as it went on, though, she said that she was informed about it in advance.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
East Bethel approves new rules for alcohol, tobacco sale violation
East Bethel City Council May 2 Made some changes to its regulations regarding alcohol and tobacco sales violations in order to give themselves more freedom of action for violation of, and clearly indicate that the license holder and not the official face financial penalties from the city.
Any business that sells tobacco products a person under 18 years of age or alcohol to a person under the age of 21 violates the law, and must pass a criminal case in Anoka County Court, which could lead to fines and community service to the clerk, who sold the goods. The City Council also has the ability to accept his punishment, including fines, community service, if the decisions on the spot, to show what can happen. In the old East Bethel ruling tobacco sales, the first violation may result in the license holder be fined $ 150. A second violation within 24 months means that the $ 300 fine. The officer would face a lower fine.
In accordance with the new regulation of tobacco, the Council may at its discretion and not issue any fines for the first or second offense. The Council has some discretion to sell alcohol violations, but less than in the tobacco ordinance. Public works may still be a part of the punishment. The officer will not deal with the city administrative penalty in accordance with the new tobacco and alcohol sales regulations. Councilmember Heidi Moegerle on May 2 meeting suggested the possibility of leniency for the first two violations. Tobacco ruling in May 2nd package board included such statements as "First violation: the city imposes the civil penalty of up to $ 150." According to City Attorney Mark Vierling, the words "up to $ 150" means the Council can theoretically issue a $ 1 fine and will not be obliged to charge a $ 150 license holder as it would under the old decree.
Moegerle said that people will read the regulations differently, so she wanted to replace the word "shall" with "May", so it is clear that the board may issue a warning and a fine. "I love you, more options," she said. Moegerle said the same treatment should be given to the order the sale of alcohol. The first violation of the license fee to $ 500, and the second violation and $ 1,000. However, Councilmember Robert DeRoche Jr. and then Mayor Richard Lawrence said that they feel people are selling alcohol to minors more serious than the sale of tobacco products that they wanted the word "will" in the first two violations, and replace the word " be ». Moergele agreed to change its position.
However, future councils are still condescending, as a warning that the penalty could be "up to" a certain amount. The resolution also makes clear that the council will refuse to license a penalty for a first offense, or reduce the penalty for the violation, if the future holder of the license may be that the officer received training responsible beverage service. If the licensee has failed to prove within 14 days from the date of violation, that the clerk had already completed their training, the Council may suspend or revoke the license if the business has multiple violations within two years.
Vierling will be concerned about the permanent organs in the future, he said. If the council does not penalize the licensee for a business that sells alcohol or tobacco products to minors face, following the offender may challenge the city if they are fined. Council on a 3-0 vote approved the changes in alcohol and tobacco sales regulations. Councilmember Bill Boyer and Steve Voss absent May 2 meeting when the decision was made. This topic has been in the field of view of the town since February. It all started after the council held a hearing on January 18 blue ribbons Pines Disc Golf.
In Anoka County Sheriff's Office investigator Mike Valentin, 17-year-old woman working with him on the case verify that bought a bottle of Coors Light beer from Richard Jordan, August 31, 2011 in blue pine belt. Richard's father and owner of the business license holder Ray Jordan. Moegerle made a motion to refuse the license and the clerk is fine as long as the business has proved within 90 days that employees have completed the training of responsible beverage service. According to Ray Jordan, father of Richard was helping with the golf course drive the family and landscape business, but was not prepared for the sale of alcohol. He just filled in, as a clerk during the sale, because he saw someone in need.
The Council finally approved the reduction in license fee of $ 250, if the business proved a skilled staff to the importance of asking for identification of anyone who wants to buy alcohol. Voss said the license holders should be held accountable for their actions. If the purpose of the Council that the first time, the offender shall be fined, the decision should be changed to reflect this, he said. Over the next three months, the council and Vierling worked on rewriting the regulations and the law has developed a new hearing, declare that this process will, when the violation occurs. The hearing decision provides an opportunity to hire a board official, for example, the judge retired to work to take readings. Council could still make a final decision on punishment.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
SMH campus going tobacco-free
Nurse at Southampton Memorial Hospital, Rickmond have to leave the grounds to smoke when in the hospital is a tobacco-free campus on November 8.
"I tend to try to give up," 49-year-old Franklin woman said. "It's about time. I've smoked since I was 13 years old."
The ban means that visitors and employees can more light on the area, which includes parking, serving hospitals, four medical institutions and East Pavilion nursing home, said Ann Williams, director of marketing.
Smoking is prohibited inside all buildings.
The ban will also include areas Courtland Medical Center and Total Care family near the Belk department store on Armory Drive in Franklin.
To help the estimated 10 percent of the 425 hospital employees who smoke free smoking cessation program will be offered to them and their families, Williams said.
Rickmond plans to participate.
"I plan to take advantage of every tool," she said. "As a long-term smoker, I know it will be a problem."
Study in April marking Franklin as one of the least healthy communities in Virginia inspired the ban, said Williams.
In a study of Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute Franklin takes a hundred and twenty-seventh of the 131 cities and counties in health. Results were associated with high levels of unemployment and poverty.
The study found that 22 percent of Franklin smoke, which is 3 percentage points higher than the average state.
"It makes sense for us to be a leader in the community, to make people healthier," said Williams. "We are a health care provider community."
The hospital will provide free nicotine patches to employees and cessation counselors.
Nicotine gum and tablets will be offered to visitors and staff, she said.
Employees currently smoke in their cars, parking lots and outside the hospital, where benches and ashtrays are provided, Williams said.
Rickmond, clinical coordinator of the medical surgical floor, goes to his car to smoke on privacy.
"Smoking has always been the kind of conflict for me," she said. "I am very careful public smoker, but you want to live, what you teach."
"I smoked for many years and do not get the same pleasure," Rickmond continued to say. "It's very expensive, and I am in the minority now. My life tends to choose healthy foods, exercise and diet."
"(If they want to smoke), they should be on our property," Williams said. "Of course, we do not recommend them to go out or get on someone else's property. We really try to encourage our employees to take advantage of this opportunity to become healthier and give them the tools they need to quit smoking."
"We're not trying to punish our smoking or our employees," she added.
"It's a personal choice."
Hospital smoking bans
* Visitors and staff will have to leave the base Southampton Memorial Hospital smoking when the hospital is a tobacco-free campus on November 8.
* Affected areas include parking lots that serve the hospital, four medical institutions and East Pavilion nursing home, according to officials.
* Smoking is prohibited inside all buildings.
* The ban will also include areas Courtland Medical Center and Total Care family near the Belk department store on Armory Drive in Franklin.
* Hospital staff who smokes will be offered free smoking cessation programs for them and their families
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Tobacco: Some Facts
I agree with much of the editorial on the new rules of smoking , but I can not agree with some points.
Editorial justification for the taking of further restrictions on smoking in public places sound, but uses the absurd reduction ad technique to make the law appears unworkable. He claims that 10 million are generally designed to prevent toxic cloud of smoke drifting in the building phalanx smokers gathered at the entrance, it would work only if smokers were forced to carry the tape.
One could also say that there should be no alcohol limit for drivers, if all equipped with breathalyzer. It ignores common sense. Most people know that there is a limit to how many drinks they can have if they want to move.
In addition, most people know the difference between 10 cm and 10 meters. The law recognizes the essential difference between compliance and blatant disrespect. In addition, some centers have already implemented a rule, setting pointers 10m away from the entrance, saying that there is no smoking at this point.
The case for plain packaging is also strong. Its purpose is to protect young people from starting. Studies show that young people "as" the regular updates and to find a simple package "boring." The package as a status symbol is more important for young people than for adults. Plain packaging will also remove the ability of cigarette companies falsely suggest that some brands, such as "light" and "low-tar" are less harmful than regular cigarettes.
Arguments that tobacco is a legal or that South African court will come to a different conclusion from those in Australia do not carry any weight.
Slavery and apartheid were legal, but that does not make them right. Tobacco can be legal, but it is also deadly, and it should be adjusted depending on the amount of damage it does. The law does not confer immunity from regulation.
Finally, there is little doubt; a South African court will uphold the constitutionality of the just-packaging rules. In June, rejecting the call to British American Tobacco SA ban on advertising of tobacco products, the Supreme Court of Appeal in Bloemfontein ruled: "There can be no doubt that the Government has a responsibility to protect its citizens from the devastating effects of tobacco," and that "a ban on advertising and promotion of tobacco is reasonable and justified. " The Constitutional Court upheld the decision.
Both the Australian and South African courts have come to the same conclusion: that the measures proposed for the regulation of tobacco sound, reasonable and based on evidence.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Bangor panel debates tobacco limits in city parks
If a proposal by Bangor’s Wellness Committee is approved, there may be no butts about it when it comes to smoking on city park land.
Members of the Bangor City Council’s parks, recreation and harbor committee wrangled over the idea — and possible implementation — of a policy limiting or banning the use of tobacco products in city parks Monday afternoon.
Not everyone present at the meeting was in favor of any blanket resolutions, rule changes or ordinance enactments. Councilor James Gallant had reservations about any changes not involving input from smokers and nonsmokers alike.
Parks and Recreation director Tracy Willette introduced the Wellness Committee proposal to ban the use of tobacco products in parks to the council committee, which had 10 members present.
“This particular concept, like many others over the years, will get some good discussion about what we think will best succeed here, short- and long-term, and there are several options we can evaluate individually to determine what fits and what won’t,” said Willette. “Our initial approach was to bring this up formally and then follow this meeting up with another meeting.”
The next meeting, tentatively scheduled for 6 p.m. Aug. 21 or 28, will be a public workshop involving the parks, recreation and harbor committee and Bangor’s Public Health Advisory Board. It also will be open to smokers and smokers’ rights groups to weigh in on any possible public policy.
“Do we decide to go through an entire citywide ordinance, do we decide to take the approach of a citywide resolution or do we create an ordinance designating certain parts of parks as tobacco-free and some not?” said Willette, who used the city’s leash law as an example of the latter option, which allows for dogs off leashes on certain trails and park areas such as Cascade Park, Brown Woods and Prentiss Woods.
“We’ll try to develop a couple of concepts at the workshop to bring to the council committee for discussion,” Willette added. “We’re very early in the process and will give plenty of opportunity for folks to weigh in along the way, and I think it’ll be a good discussion to have.”
Gallant said he wasn’t comfortable enacting any kind of policy regarding tobacco use without involving both sides of the issue, meaning that smokers and smokers advocacy groups should be included in the discussion.
“I don’t think it’s fair to ban anything if you only have those from one side involved in the process,” Gallant told fellow committee members.
Shawn Yardley, Bangor’s Health and Community Services director, said the city has to frame the issue and take a position, either with a phased-in approach or an ordinance.
“This isn’t about being against the smoker,” Yardley said. “What we are is for the health of everyone, so we want to frame this in a way that protects everybody’s right to breathe clean air without denying someone’s right to find some way to smoke.”
Gallant also had reservations about the viability of enforcing any restrictions, be they through an ordinance, resolution or other form.
“His concern from the beginning was about enforcement,” Yardley said. “My point is I don’t think that necessarily has to drive this because there’s a cost to the city in cleaning up after smokers with butts and tobacco products left behind.”
Yardley, a former smoker who quit 23 years ago, has a personal preference when it comes to what form he would like city policy to take.
“We’ve been successful at the Folk Festival in limiting where people can smoke and people have been really, really good about that, but that wouldn’t be my preference,” he said. “My preference would be to be clear with an ordinance and be strategic in enforcement of that through signs and training to help people intervene and remind people about smoking restrictions.”
A phased-in approach could involve designating certain parks as ones where smoking is allowed and others — where children are regularly present — as ones where it isn’t.
“When I first began my career, you could smoke at your desk,” said Yardley. “And then you could smoke in certain areas of the office. Then it was only outside, and then it was beyond 50 feet of the building. I’m confident that, over time, things will change.”
Thursday, August 2, 2012
The area of the company recalled the rules of tobacco products
While some sellers are bound by the rules when it comes to selling tobacco products to underage people, unfortunately, there are some who are still trying to get, do not follow state law.
Etailers, in addition to the retail trade throughout West Virginia, recently received the materials that will remind and help them comply with state law (WV State Code 16-9A-2), which prohibits the sale of tobacco products to youth under the age of 18 years.
Although many officials already have other materials available to them, it became known, many are still convinced, WV State Code 16-9A-2, which prohibits the sale of tobacco products to young people and a small, sometimes confused when checking the date of birth on identifiers. Because of the high staff turnover, many retailers have to train employees on a regular basis. This is also the reason for the development and spread of See Red? Proceedings of the retail education.
Financed with Federal Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment (SAPTA) block grant funds through the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources, Office of Mental Health and medical facilities, "See the red?" The material was sent to all retailers in the state. Material retail education consists of two leaflets (for clarity) as well as labels for the registers resemble the law clerks.
It has been reported, "See Red?" The materials were designed for simplicity, reminding owners / corporations and their employees not to sell tobacco products to customers under the age of 18 years, as many do not have much time to read volumes of information. Messages contained in the material covers retail to know that it is illegal to sell tobacco products to youth under the age of 18 years. Tobacco products include cigarettes, cigarette papers, pipes, cigars, blunts, small cigars (cigarillos), snuff and chewing tobacco, which includes chewing and other tobacco products. Retailers are also encouraged to always ask for ID when selling tobacco products and make sure the ID is not false.
It has been reported, there are two WV graduated driver's license for young people aged under 18 who are currently active ID. One license, which is now closed, has a bright red background with a yellow stripe on the edge of the photo that shows the date the person turns 18. This license is not valid on the date of expiration. A second license has a red background, but it has the date of the youth turns 18, and 21 listed in the top right corner of the license. Employees should make sure to verify your date of birth using the red color coding (von license) as a red flag. If a customer tries to buy tobacco to 18 years listed on their licenses, they are not old enough to do it. They also said that if young people do not have ID, and not for sale. It's not worth the risk of being fined, and in some cases, fired.
Citations issued for failure to state WV Code 16-9A-2 issued to the clerk at the point of sale, together with the shop owner and / or corporation. WV State Code 16-9A-2 indicates that subsequent violations at the same location or operating unit, firm, corporation or individual would lead to graduated fines.
In addition, any employer who discovers that his or her employee sold or furnishing tobacco products to young people in the minor may dismiss a worker for the cause. Any such discharge is regarded as a "flagrant violation" for purposes of determining eligibility of the employee was discharged for unemployment benefits in accordance with WV State Code 16-9A-2, if the employer fails to provide written notice to the employee in the workplace, that such act or acts may result in to stop them from working.
He also said that the federal mandate and complement the tobacco compliance checks are implemented during the year by various agencies in order to monitor compliance with WV State Code 16-9A-2. Any clerk who sells tobacco products by youth inspector compliance inspections will be listed on the site, a law enforcement officer. The shop owner / corporation will also be links. Secretary / shop owner / corporation will not only pay a penalty, but will also have to pay court costs.
Reasons for retailers not to sell tobacco products to youth under the age of 18 years, include the following: This is against the law, we do not want retailers to get into trouble, it is harmful to children's health, and West Virginia could lose $ 3.5 million per year in Federal block grant dollars curative and preventive services should be a national of non-compliance (RVR-retailer violation rate) by more than 20 percent.
In addition, the adoption of the Law on the Prevention of Smoking and Family Law Tobacco Control, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires that retailers verify the age of purchasers of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco, which are under the age of 27 with the help of photographic identification containing the date of birth of bearer. For more information about the retail requirements / penalties for Smoking Prevention and Family Law Tobacco Control.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Solid Earnings per share numbers mask a serious problem
Why own any stock unless it pays dividends. While the S & P 500 and the tracking ETFs, SPY (SPY), brought together more than 20% of year lows last year, and stocks like Apple (AAPL) are more than 30% this year, several sectors have shares were better than a stock dividend for last year.
Over the past few years’ stocks of tobacco has consistently been one of the most effective and popular dividend shares on the market. The largest and most popular tobacco stocks Altria (MO).
Altria reaches almost 50% last year, and this company is consistently one of the most efficient stock market in general, the past few years.
That's why I thought the last receipt of the company was so interesting. I have repeatedly recommended that tobacco stocks over the past year, including recommended investing in Lorillard (LO) in the seventies in my first article about the search for alpha more than a year ago.
Altria traded today in the back of 21x earnings and nearly 15 times average earnings estimates for these years. However, while the cash flow of Altria remains strong, the company was virtually no growth in the past year, and companies with more than 80% of its net profits to pay dividends and repurchase shares.
That's why I question the last updates in a statement. Altria recently reported 1.5% decline compared to the year of delivery, taking into account the impact of trade on the stock, and the company reported earnings per share growth of about 7-8%. Management is guided by the probability of earnings per share of $ 2.19, $ 2.23 in 2012, and analysts expected. In addition, the company announced a new $ 400 million a year savings program and disclosed that management purchased approximately $ 66 million in shares at a price of about $ 32.40 per share in the first quarter.
While Altria top and bottom line numbers were quite solid, I think, a deeper analysis of the recent volume and price trends are alarming for this industry leader. The minimum annual drop in Altria in total shipments of cigarettes, of course, hard, until now the performance of premium brands like Marlboro was poor. Although the Marlboro brand market share in 0,2%, Marlboro delivery fell nearly 1%, net income from the delivery of Marlboro fell, and premium brands of cigarettes have seen about 9% decrease in volumes.
Altria to stabilize the shipment numbers have been largely achieved with a company that provides significant discounts and the company increased discount brands on the market. Altria reported that the company's core brand at a discount, L & M, saw 24% growth last quarter.
In conclusion, while the acquisition of UST by Altria and the situation of SAB Miller, as well as companies of Saint-Michel franchise wine and John Middleton brand, give this company some of the key outputs of cigarette revenue department. However, Altria gets more than 80% of total revenue from cigarettes, and companies are increasingly forced to use cheaper brands of cigarettes to compensate for the loss of market share from the competition with discount cigarettes, offered by competitors, Lorillard (LO) and Reynolds (RAI). The operating margin for Altria in almost 42% was very strong in the last quarter.
Nevertheless, the company is debt to equity ratio of more than 350%, and using the balance control to inflate the likelihood of long-term return on equity of the company. Altria only about 6x coverage rate of interest payments, and the company's debt is trading at 5-7%. If the interest rate will increase slightly, and the company continues to sell to get more discount brands, the growth of the industry leaders and the region may face significant pressure.
Disclosure: I have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and does not intend to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Who wants a dead tobacco business in Africa?
In recent weeks, growing debate over the dynamics of the tobacco business in Africa, with sustained interest in the fate of the country's cultivation of tobacco, tobacco companies of the future for the production of and burden of the tobacco epidemic in the region that have stimulated so much media coverage.
Across the region, it was more than 100 media in print, radio and television, presenting alternative views, and arguments against and in favor of the tobacco business.
The campaign intensified among those who favor a balance between business and health around tobacco use, and the Framework Convention of the World Health Organization's Tobacco Control (FCTCC) on the one hand, and the tobacco industry on the other hand, questions have been raised that require further investigation.
In May this year, the face of the campaign has changed at the end of the International Tobacco Growers Association meeting with Antonio Abrunhosa, CEO of ITGA urge to resist tobacco lose their livelihoods, creating a form of motion to oppose the WHO FCTC in the draft report on articles 17 and 18, which looks on the cultivation of tobacco in relation to the provision of economically viable alternatives.
In a press statement released at the end of the meeting ITGA Antonio said the economy of the region are now under threat because of this "new form of imperialism," Health officials have no experience in agriculture. "Not having anything to show for their efforts to find alternatives to growing tobacco, they are moving in the direction of the government say to make it impossible for farmers growing tobacco, regardless of the impact on the millions of jobs."
Such a statement, compared with the fact that most African countries are still developing, an ideology that is bent to reduce the livelihoods section of the economy, if it is, and based on the WHO FCTC will be considered as completely unfounded and beyond reach. It also leaves many questions raging.
Francois van der Merwe, chairman of ITGA Africa, further sustained this argument when he said that the decision makers within the FCTC has moved beyond its original intent to help find an alternative to tobacco crops. "This transition occurs with complete disregard to the fact that tobacco is one of the few crops that provide a steady income for many families in the region."
In a very quick response from a consortium of tobacco control in Africa, the African coordinator of the Framework Convention Alliance (FCA), Mr. Armstrong described the TIH Ntiabang ITGA statement as "the tactics of the tobacco industry," adding that the draft article referenced ITGA is to provide an alternative to tobacco, and is not about forcing farmers to leave their jobs.
He said: "We regard the statement Antonio Abrunhosa, CEO of the International Tobacco Growers Association (ITGA), because it is misleading and a deliberate attempt to raise a protest against the treaty, WHO, using tobacco."
The big question is, who wants to tobacco business is dead? What does this all the FCTC? Is this a "complete disregard" for a sustainable income for many in the region, as described by Francois van der Merwe?
According to WHO, tobacco is the main cause of global death and disease. Tobacco use is responsible for 1 in 10 deaths of adults, and if current trends continue, it will kill more than 8 million people a year by 2030. Up to half of the more than 1 billion smokers worldwide will die prematurely from tobacco-related diseases.
Faced with the devastating effects of the tobacco epidemic, world leaders in 2003 adopted the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), a binding international treaty that is currently in 174 countries as parties, as well as the European Union, accounting for nearly 90 percent of the population the globe.
FCTC parties to set up various working groups for detailed study of specific issues including sustainable alternatives to tobacco growing, known as Article 17 and 18 working groups that are open to all parties to the FCTC and now includes large sections of the countries where tobacco including India, Brazil, European Union, Turkey and the 13 African countries (Burkina Faso, Cameroon, DR Congo, Djibouti, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Mali, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania, Zambia). The focus of this article was the need to improve the difficult economic and social conditions of many of the tobacco manufacturers and workers.
The background to this ongoing debate on the business economics of tobacco and the FCTC in Africa, the working group has recently completed a draft report to be presented at the Conference of the Parties (COP) in November 2012.
In contrast to the statements ITGA, and subsequent reports in the media, this draft report does not call for a ban on tobacco and tobacco farming, and he was not forced to leave their tobacco farmers' livelihoods.
The report considers as the main goal should be to identify ways to assist farmers who are interested in alternatives to tobacco growing, which promises high returns, but often do not deliver them.
In practice, the leaf tobacco companies and cigarette manufacturers to provide loans to farmers at the entrance and equipment that keeps them in poverty and must in many cases.
The Working Group notes that, as the world's population continues to grow and the implementation of the FCTC is just beginning in many countries, it is unlikely that the demand for tobacco leaf will fall substantially over the years. He also noted that even when the FCTC-related decline in demand for tobacco leaves become visible in the transition to a more economically viable alternative products, they will slowly, providing a long transition from growing tobacco. These facts were not presented as arguments in the ITGA, may verify the statements of Mr. TIH, describing a press statement ITGA as misleading.
It should be recalled that in 2010 had a similar campaign ITGA, on the eve of the fourth session of the COP in November 2010. In a press release August 31, 2010 ITGA said, "... If the WHO introduced the ban on tobacco ingredients are mixed will have disastrous consequences for many African countries, including many of its members. Tobacco growing is crucial to the economies of some of the poorest countries in Africa. These guidelines will be too crippled their economy and as a result of hundreds of thousands of African tobacco farmers losing their livelihoods. "
Nevertheless, all the recommendations proposed in the Constitutional Court in 2010 - including ITGA specifically objected - were adopted at the meeting, and the doom and gloom predicted the tobacco industry did not happen. In fact, recent data show that tobacco production, and prices in countries such as Zimbabwe and Malawi in 2012 compared to 2011.
Although, ITGA has positioned itself as a nonprofit organization that works to advance the cause of millions of tobacco manufacturers in the world, it is important to note that the ITGA was established manufacturers of cigarettes, and still depends on their financial support. Interest ITGA can therefore not be separated from the tobacco industry.
The focus of the industry continues to prevent any tobacco control measures that may impede their business: connecting a new generation of smokers, ignoring the facts and prefer to use the mood of tobacco farmers to get the ear of the government tobacco-growing country, and media attention .
It should be noted that the FCTC be a global agreement is not an order, and any recommendations contained in the final report of the Articles 17 and 18 of the Working Group should be to achieve consensus among the 175 Parties to the FCTC, including tobacco growing out of them before they are adopted by the COP in November. After that, the parties will decide whether to accept or reject them.
According to the Framework Convention Alliance (FCA) in Geneva, "one of the biggest fears of the tobacco industry that in November of FCTC Parties shall agree on guidelines for governments to use to make taxes on tobacco products. Has long been known that an increase in cigarette prices in including through taxes, is the most effective way to reduce consumption. Instead of talking about the enormous health gains to be made by raising taxes, the industry prefers to deflect attention away from rehashing old horror stories about the faceless bureaucrats of the UN, which cover eyes to the lives of poor farmers. "
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Tobacco Free on Sunday
Tobacco users in government office buildings managed by the Department of Central Services - including the Capitol - to get an early jump on how to avoid smoking or chewing while you work.
Executive Order Governor Mary Fallin in February does not take effect until next month, but effective Sunday, 18 buildings in the capitol complex and state office buildings in the city of Tulsa to be Tobacco Free Initiative, said John Morrison, administrator of the Central Services Department.
"We just decided to go ahead and do it," said Morrison. "There was nothing to prevent the movement of the Agencies that before."
The mood in the smoking room in the basement of the Capitol was a grim Friday the last day of a room with no windows were open to smokers who work in the building.
Handwritten note on a piece of paper attached to the wall, as she announced the governor issued to "the end is near." Friday, someone crossed out the word "next" and replaced it with "now".
Five smokers in a small room that can accommodate up to 13 people on Friday afternoon. One smoker said he would try to do without smoking in the workplace, while others did not know where they go to smoke.
One woman, who works at the Capitol, said that she plans to go round the building and smoke.
Fallin announced its proclamations during her State of the State address on February 6, to begin four months of the session of the legislature. Implementation will take place no later than six months after its proclamation, and on August 6, when the tobacco products in all public and leased properties and state-owned and leased buildings and vehicles will be prohibited.
Her announcement drew applause, but the groans were heard seconds later, the House of Representatives chamber, when it announced a ban would mean the closure of the smoking room of the Capitol for legislators and staff.
The governor planned to reconstruct the building at no cost to the state in a small fitness center. The state received a grant from the tobacco settlement trust and Oklahoma Hospital Association has agreed to match it.
"It is planned that currently use more space than provided in the smoking room," said Alex Weintz, communications director in Fallin. "This smoking room will no longer be used as a smoking room. Although we do not believe that it will be used in the future, will likely have to be decontaminated first.
"While the governor's ban on the use of tobacco in public places comes into force on 6 August agencies have the right to a tobacco-free policy before," he said.
Fallin said the goals of the tobacco ban are to protect the health of workers and people attending public properties.
It is also intended to reduce a major factor in increasing health care costs for state employees, reducing absenteeism and improving employee productivity, according to the governor's office. The ban is expected to save the state $ 5.2 million per year.
Smoking causes a number of death in Oklahoma and the United States, said the governor's office.
Fallin made the ban effective for several months from now, to give government officials time to consider the adoption of smoking cessation programs.
Pet breeder of change
Effective Sunday, the council was formed two years ago to regulate the commercial breeders have officially disbanded. The duties of the Council of Oklahoma commercial pet breeders are now borne by the State of Agriculture, Food and Forestry.
Emergency regulations, establishing rules, fees, procedures and guidelines were approved late last month.
In accordance with existing rules, only animal breeders with 11 or more females are subject to state regulation. Unspayed woman at least 9 months is considered to be breeding female.
Many of the emergency rules are similar to existing rules on the model of care and treatment standards, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Emergency rules may take up to shortly after the legislative session in late May. Work will begin to develop a permanent rule in September or October.
Sex Offenders
The bill, passed last year, extending a ban on more than one sex offender living in a house or apartment to include mobile homes, and shall come into force on Sunday. Hands Up Ministries, a nonprofit organization that provides housing for more than 200 registered sex offenders in Oklahoma City mobile home parks, tried unsuccessfully in court to stop enforcement of the law, which makes about 90 residents to move.
Hands Up Ministries wanted the judge to halt the execution of the law, could not yet determine whether it is the Constitution.
Human rights
Sunday also marks the end of the Oklahoma Commission for Human Rights, which was established nearly 50 years ago.
The Human Rights Commission was established measure came into force in 1963, then-Gov. Henry Bellmon. The bill, passed last year, the place of his duties with the Office of the Attorney General, as part of the governor's plan to combine several agencies.
Effective Sunday, the Office of Civil Rights in the Attorney General's office will handle the duties of the commission, which include complaints of discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability or age. The Commission also accepts, maintains and reports on complaints of profiling based on race or national origin.
The bill aims to reduce the production of methamphetamine comes into force on Sunday. House Bill 2941 restricts the purchase of pseudo ephedrine and improved electronic tracking system of Oklahoma sales of the drug.
Pseudoephedrine is a common ingredient in cold and allergy medicine that is used in the manufacture of methamphetamine. HB 2941 limits the procurement decongestant to 3.6 grams per day, or 15 tablets of 24-hour pseudoephedrine.
Monthly purchases are limited to 7.2 grams, compared with 9 grams, and annual purchases should not exceed 60 grams, less than 108 grams.
It establishes a system, regardless of public procurement can be traced with in public procurement. It also allows pharmacies to charge for the service, someone who can not legally buy the product tries to do it.
Tracking system to block someone who over the limit on the purchase of the product.
Promissory notes with the support of prosecutors, who demanded a prescription to purchase pseudoephedrine failed to win legislative approval this year.
Fiscal year
Sunday and the beginning of fiscal year 2013 for the state. $ 6.8 billion budget allocated by the legislature formally enters into force. That's about 3.1 percent more than the $ 6.6 billion, lawmakers allocated for 2012 fiscal year.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
California taxes on tobacco
The tax increase after California’s initiative consists in paying for cancer researcher. The opponents of Proposition 29 led with more then 29.000 votes. The press delaminated the region where more then 106.000 votes. Tobacco companies managed by Philip Morris, pushed the campaigns opposition, using millions of dollars for ads.
On Monday, the absence of Prop 29 was from 50, 5% to 49, 4%. The strongest support for San Francisco area and for some conservative places like Southern California and Inland Empire opposed it.
If the measure will pass, California would have to pay only some taxes for tobacco products, nearly $ 1.90 per package.
Supporters affirmed they will come back.
"It was so close, I think it's worth another try," said Stan Glantz of the University of California at San Francisco Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education. "I think it would be unsupported if Philip Morris and Reynolds get away with it."
He affirmed that the cigarettes tax proponents may turn to the Legislature, but lawmakers ignored attempts for tobacco products tax rising. The campaign will be waiting until will be known the number of votes for to declare the victory, the press-Beth Miller said.
Opponents of the measure have raised $ 50 million to combat it, a huge sum even by the standards of California. For comparison, Jerry Brown has spent about $ 37 million in 2010, his successful attempt to become governor of California. Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and his allies spent $ 49 million to discourage him recall task on June 6.
Armstrong and the Coalition for Tobacco Control group raised about $ 14 million to support the measure, including $ 600,000 from New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
In a statement Tuesday, Lance Armstrong Foundation president Doug Ulman formulated a question of life and death.
"The defeat of this vitally important initiative is a real tragedy," he said. "Big Tobacco lied to voters to protect their income and spent $ 51 million to ensure it can continue to sell their bad products in California for the children."
While the price increases on tobacco products is a unique way to reduce smoking, especially among teens, the campaign ads supporting the tobacco companies are focused on pocketbook issues. Announcements said the money would be raised through the tax in California, but not necessarily be in the study. The campaign also grew the specter beyond the control of the bureaucracy to be created to oversee the collection and distribution of money.
Some big newspapers, including The Los Angeles Times, spoke out against the measures, expressing general help for such a sin tax and reluctance to side with the tobacco companies. They argued that the proceeds should go directly to the state, which is now worth $ 15.2 billion deficit.
As a result, the 2008 recall of California cigarette tax measures that have led to a large election before the beginning of the tobacco companies spent $ 66 million to defeat her ad with doctors.
It was unclear Friday whether the failure of Prop 29 were narrow defeat state ballot measure in California history. Previously, the closest vote in the last two decades has been on the school bond measure 1B in 1994, which were unable to 49.6% to 50.4%, according to Secretary of State Spokeswoman Shannan Velayas. The second was a best friend of the measure of tobacco tax, which was 50.5% to 49.5% in 2000.
California was once at the top of smoking taxes and restrictions, but we know care about their health, the State did not raise taxes on tobacco products since 1999.
Missouri voters are expected to weigh in on tax increases on tobacco products in December, and similar taxes, which go through the legislative process in Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Illinois.
A big part of recent tobacco taxes across the country have been approved in the state houses.
Copyright from 2012 Associated Press declared that all rights were reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, redistributed or rewritten.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Enterprises that cigarette smokers are prepared to increase tax
Carrie Fitch and Lorraine Harvey did not know what to expect after Sunday.
That's when the state cigarette tax will increase $ 1 to $ 1.98, prices that are beyond their control, but it can affect business in Discount Tobacco 4325 N. Sheridan Road, where they have just two people.
"I hope not", Fitch said about the possibility that business will slow down. "But there were a lot of people say they would quit."
Harvey, the assistant manager, predicts a slow summer, and a 50-50 chance that the shop is in the business.
"This puts the damper at all," she said.
Harvey plans to people to smoke less or quit as a whole, including her. She plans to use the nicotine patch, because smoking is too expensive.
It is also about Harvey are crashing, people will get their cigarettes outside of Illinois. In Missouri, the state tax is only 17 cents, the lowest in the country. Illinois now has the 32nd-largest cigarette tax in the country, but it will be much higher than the average state tax $ 1.49 after Sunday.
Mike Saurs, co-owner of Cornerstore on-Main, in the building of Becker, the same sentiments.
"You just send a business from Illinois," he said.
Preparation for the Sunday led to some business discount tobacco as customers try to stock up on cigarettes. But distributors are not able to keep up with demand.
The judge ruled last week that the state can not limit the number of cigarette tax stamps that distributors can buy. , To create something like a gold rush for the brand in the next few days, but at a discount tobacco is still not enough to order.
Store received only 127 boxes on Thursday, Harvey said he is far from 200 to 225 boxes, he usually gets in the party. Customers are limited to two blocks, until the tax takes effect.
"It will be a zoo here," said Harvey.
But while businesses can compete with the growth, health advocates promote it as a way to raise the cash-strapped state revenues and reduce smoking.
"Each research organization that was looking at it ... came to the conclusion that the price increase is one of the most effective ways of reducing tobacco consumption, especially among young people," said Danny McGoldrick, vice president for research at Campaign for Tobacco Free Depending on children, a nationwide anti-smoking organization.
The Panel finds that the growth will prevent Illinois 72 700 children to become smokers and cause 53,400 adults to quit smoking, while raising $ 350 million a year in new revenue.
Governor Pat Quinn in favor of an increase as a way to offset the decline in Medicaid.
McGoldrick hopes the low-tax states like Missouri, Illinois, and will follow up the ante.
"This is the best solution for everyone."
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
How Big Tobacco targets children
Tobacco companies have a big problem. Their products kill about 1,200 of its customers every day or about 440,000 people a year across the United States.
With the exhaustion like that when they go to find a replacement for all those, the disappearance of smokers? Where do they go to work the legions of new users of tobacco?
Parents beware: they go for our children.
Despite new laws and legal settlements, which restrict how tobacco companies can market their products, the industry spends more money than ever to encourage their children, and my thinking that tobacco uses is normal and acceptable part of growing up.
Marketing of cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products now exceeds $ 10 billion a year - or about $ 1 million per hour - in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission. This is a 52-percent increase in spending, as in all branches of the legal settlement, imposed strict controls on tobacco promotion in 1998.
The report recently released by the U.S. health care, tobacco use among youth and adolescents concluded that scientific evidence is "consistent and consistently point to the deliberate marketing of tobacco products to young people as the cause of tobacco use by young people."
It makes sense for Big Tobacco to send their sales pitch in children. According to the chief doctor, hardly anyone came, on the subject of tobacco marketing after adolescence. Among adults who smoke daily, 88 percent started smoking before the age of 18 and 99 percent started before 26 years.
The sad result of the power industry marketing to children is a flattening of more than ten years of progress in reducing youth tobacco use began at the national level. Now, every day approximately 3,800 children in the United States smoke their first cigarette, according to the report of the chief physician.
Nearly 25 percent of the national high school smoke, compared with about 20 percent of the adult population. At the same time, about 1 in 10 male high school senior uses smokeless tobacco, and 1 in 5 smokes cigars, the report said.
Fortunately, the Marin County rates of smoking among young people is much lower and only about 5 percent of 12 - to 17-year-olds reported smoking cigarettes.
You may wonder how the industry can spend so much money on marketing now. In the end, tobacco advertising is banned on television, radio and billboards, and it is much less common today in magazines and newspapers.
Long gone are the kid-friendly cartoons, like Joe Camel and lasting icons, like a man, Marlboro. So where does all the money spent?
Short answer: It's Time posted where it can reach their children in the smart way to encourage them to become new customers. Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, the advocacy group based in Washington, DC, cites four main strategies:
• Increased advertising and discounting of tobacco products in shops, places where two-thirds of teenagers have been known to visit at least once a week, candy, soft drinks and snacks after school. Many of these stores are plastered with famous images of tobacco and branding, inside and out. Tobacco companies often give discounts retailers are making their products more affordable for cash-strapped young consumers.
• Increased sales of smokeless tobacco, as well as the promotion of new smoke-free candies. Traditional chewing tobacco is being actively marketed in flavors such as cherry and apple trees, and new smokeless, that look like breath strips, mint chocolate or even a toothpick will become available. Some of these new products, while very addictive, dissolve, like candy and it is easy to hide in the school or at home.
• The spread of cheap, sweet scented miniature cigars. With colorful packaging and flavors such as chocolate, strawberries, peaches and grapes, industry circumvent the federal ban on candy flavored cigarettes, selling these products as "little cigars." These issues are attractive to young customers.
• Increasing cigarette brands most popular among children. Knowing that more than 80 percent of adolescent smokers prefer the three popular brands in the industry recently rolled out a new cigarette product lines aimed at women and other target groups, using these familiar brands. Even many of the new youth smokeless products have this baby attractive names and logos.
Unfortunately, the tobacco industry proves once again that he decided to enslave the next generation of its toxic products.
There is hope, however. Young people who do it in their teens and in their mid-20s without becoming addicted to cigarettes and other tobacco products will be lost forever, like Big Tobacco clients. If parents, teachers, health workers and other adults can work together to ensure that our young people who are vulnerable through age without tobacco is part of their lives, we can hasten the day when no one in Marin County kills more from tobacco-related causes.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Hike 'sin tax "708% stuns Big Tobacco
708% tax increase on low-cost cigarettes in the country, as provided in the lower house approved a "sin tax" bill that has been described as "unprecedented," the head of the largest tobacco company in the country.
Philip Morris Fortune Tobacco Corporation (PMFTC) President Chris Nelson in an interview Friday night with the ANC, said no other country in Asia is close to raising the tax rates that House Bill 5727 wants to impose on tobacco products in the Philippines.
"If you look at the fact that the proposed increase in the rate of 708% of the low level (cigarette brands) for 2 years, 150% at the highest level, but on average it rises nearly 300%," says Nelson.
"Seven hundred percent low, it is unprecedented. I can not think of a country that did it," he said.
He said that tax increases will have a negative impact on tobacco farmers, workers, and the entire industry.
"Let us not destroy this industry," he said.
Nelson said PMFTC not against taxes, but also any additional tax should be moderate.
He said that the tobacco giant formerly served on the increase in the level-P1 in 2004.
"The reason is that we understand the dynamics of the market," he said.
"We are not against raising taxes. In fact, Philip Morris is working with the government. What we have recommended a tax increase is sustainable for the industry and which provides future revenue to the government," he added.
"We are looking for a moderate increase in taxes. We like that the increase will be, because we can plan the business," said Nelson.
He said that the house Bill 5727, raising taxes on beer ranges from 8% to 32%.
"This is what we call a moderate increase in contrast to 700%," he said.
PTFMC said that if the Senate will adopt similar measures HB 5727 and the proposal signed into law the President Benigno Aquino, a cigarette manufacturer expects 50% drop in the demand for tobacco for domestic consumption.
This, in turn, affect the livelihoods of about 22 000 farmers across the country, the company said.
It can also lead to oversupply of domestic capacity and affects the work.
Nelson said PMFTC, of course, reduce the number of its employees, which now number about 3,000.
He also believes that the bill was a sin tax, after its adoption will lead to an increase in cigarette smuggling and counterfeiting.
"We already have a cigarette smuggling on the island of Mindanao. We already have brands that are coming up for retail sale in P5. There's a fake, even on my own brands," he said.
"If we assume that taxes will go to 100% and 700%, that (smuggling, counterfeiting) is significantly increased. Problem will grow massively," he warned.
Nelson said that the struggle for the "sin tax" measure now moves to the Senate.
"I think we did a lot of good representation (in the lower house). Unfortunately, the whole process was interrupted, and we proposed some amendments which were not taken," he said. "But obviously, (we) hope that the debate will continue and, obviously, to participate in the Senate."
Praise for hiking "sin tax"
Effect of economic reforms (AER), a non-governmental watchdog, which insists on reforms in sin taxes, previously praised lawmakers for approving House Bill 5727.
He said that the bill, as amended, "corrects all errors of law."
"Representative Isidro Ungab, chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, have done their homework. He is not only a brilliant engineer, a landslide vote for the bill at the committee level Abaya. With his good-natured appearance, he was very convincing in defending Bill and parry the arguments of vested interests, "said AER.
The group said opponents of the measure can not contest the health argument is that the sharp increase in tax will significantly reduce the consumption of tobacco and alcohol, thus reducing the problems associated with smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.
AER said the high tax rate for low-cost brands of cigarettes will deter young smokers and the poor, or starts to smoke, or force them to quit.
According to the AER Jo-Ann Latuja, the retail price for PTFMC production will increase by 76% in the first year, if the "sin tax" bill becomes law.
"Studies have shown that a 10% increase in cigarette prices in the Philippines will reduce consumption by 5%. With 76% price increase, consumption will decrease by 44%," said Latuja.
The group also believes that higher taxes on tobacco and alcoholic beverages will a sharp increase in smuggling and counterfeiting.
Quoting the Commissioner of Customs Ruffy Biazon, AER said that the price of the most popular tobacco brand in the country - Fortune International filtra Kings - will rise to P35.26 per pack in 2014.
Price will still be lower than that in 2009 the price of cigarettes sold in Cambodia (P52.36), Indonesia (P64.68), Thailand (P103.84), Malaysia (P146.08) and Singapore (P365.2), in Depending on the group.
Again referring to Biazon, AER said contraband cigarettes only stem from - and not - in the Philippines, if House Bill 5727 becomes law.
Tax revenues on health, tobacco
Budget Secretary Florencio Abad, also welcomed the approval of the bill in the lower chamber.
"Through this innovative step, we are much closer to reforming the current tax regime for tobacco and alcohol products, which for over 15 years and has been ineffective and outdated," he said in a press statement.
He said the new "sin tax" increase the efficiency of the tax system in the country, and to increase state revenues by about P33 billion in the first year of its implementation.
He said that most of the revenue will be collected by raising taxes on tobacco and alcohol will go to health care.
"Following the approval of 15 percent of the income tax would be a sin also be used to support the tobacco manufacturers, which could adversely affect the measure," said Abad.
"Tobacco-and non-tobacco growing province will also have a share in the revenues from the excise tax regime updates. In its original form, HB 5727, is expected to generate at least P60.7 billion, which will be sent to the beneficiary's 81 provinces. This is far from the 16 provinces are now supported by the present excise tax scheme, "he added.
"More importantly, however, the restructuring of the sin tax would go a long way toward improving the health and welfare of Filipinos. Currently, tobacco and alcohol products are very low retail prices in the country, and an updated scheme of sin taxes contribute to the prevention of Filipinos, especially the young to participate in unhealthy habits, "said Abad.
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Monday, June 4, 2012
High consumption of tobacco in Mumbai care physicians
One in three adults in Bombay to use tobacco on a regular basis. Moreover, one of the ten most likely will die a premature death, if the current pattern continues.
The latest statistics presented at the Tata Memorial Hospital says that in the 20500000-strong population of Mumbai and neighboring areas (including Tang and Mumbai), around six million people use tobacco in a cigarette or gutka.If immediate steps are not taken to control the use, about two million people are likely to die prematurely in the working age group in the near future.
Caused a terrible picture of about 7400 doctors in Mumbai, Thane and Navi Mumbai, support anti-tobacco campaign under the auspices of the Association of Medical Consultants. Activists say consultants can convince the patient to give up tobacco habits at an early stage and prevent its culmination in the development of cancer.
"When a patient comes to the doctor for having, as usual, the heat or cold, he can get advice against tobacco use. When the poor, the sick and vulnerable, therefore, will understand the importance of the fall of the habit is much better than if it was advised in another place, "said Dr. Pankaj Chaturvedi, surgical oncologist at Tata Memorial Hospital. Thus, the patient will now read about the dangers of tobacco use on posters in the waiting area outside the room of consulting a doctor, and then "opportunistic counseling" inside.
According to experts, tobacco is the main reason 90% of diseases affecting the mouth, 60% of cardiovascular disease, 50% of cancers and 20% of all deaths. Not only is chewing gutka and smoking, but the proximity to the smoker (also known as passive smoking) is also a deadly practice, doctors say. According to Global Survey of adult tobacco (GATS), which was made in India in 2009-2010, 31.4% of the population of Maharashtra is using tobacco in one form or another. What is scary is that drug addiction creates in people who started using tobacco before the age of 15 years.
"In addition to 27 different diseases that are caused by tobacco, smokers are also used at an increased risk of such diseases," said Dr Surendra Shastri, head of preventive oncology at Tata Memorial Hospital.
"Physicians should play an active role in tobacco control. As physicians, we must also prevent the cause of the disease. We asked all members to advise patients against tobacco use," said Dr. Kishore Adyanthaya, president of the Association of Medical Consultants.
Friday, June 1, 2012
Most of California's tobacco money collected is not to prevent or stop smoking, says study
Since California voters ready to vote next week on raising taxes on tobacco, a new federal study concludes that the state uses relatively little in the billions of dollars of tobacco money; he is already taking to prevent children from smoking and help smokers to quit.
Between 1998 and 2010, only 6 percent of the money collected from the massive settlement of the claim and the tax on cigarettes went on to ban tobacco and educational programs, the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported last week, far below the level of federal spending on the effective use of curbing tobacco.
The report provided the fuel for both sides with a thin debate on June 5 elections measure, which is more than double the state tax on a pack of cigarettes. The money will pay for tobacco-related research diseases and anti-smoking programs and go to the fight against illegal sale of tobacco products.
Proponents such as the American Cancer Society lobbyist, Jim Knox said the report highlights, CDC, why voters should support the 29 - to fix the money on anti-tobacco efforts to improve public health, and ultimately save lives.
The measure would strengthen the proven anti-smoking programs that are very inadequate, but they remain a "model across the country and the world," said Knox.
Beth Miller, a representative of the tobacco industry is not supported on Prop 29 campaign, said the CDC study, and only proves the government can not be trusted with more money tax on tobacco products. She compared the election of another measure that funded projects are controversial states, such as high-speed rail and stem cell research.
"It's not hard to understand, this measure went down the same path of exorbitant salaries, expensive consultants and more wasteful government spending," said Miller.
From 1998 to 2010, California collected nearly $ 22 billion lawsuit settlement company with tobacco and from taxes on cigarettes, according to federal reports.
He has appropriated $ 1.3 billion, including financing of state and federal grants for tobacco prevention programs during this period.
In 2010, California spent about $ 79 million for tobacco control efforts, about 18 percent of what is recommended by the federal to have a significant impact on public behavior.
The California experience reflects a national trend that shows state and local governments have used tobacco-related revenues of almost everything, but deter tobacco use.
In the 13 years that ended in 2010, states collected almost $ 244 billion in cigarette taxes and payments in cash and appropriated only $ 8 billion for programs on tobacco control, less than one-third of the $ 29 billion CDC says should have been spent.
In 1998 an agreement with the tobacco industry has promised to California will receive $ 25 billion over 25 years, divided equally between the state and counties. He received just over $ 10 billion so far, according to the office of California Attorney General.
Terms of the settlement has left his government how to spend money. Local residents have used their share in a number of projects, from fixing sidewalks added halls minor places.
California legislators in 2003, tobacco industry payments as collateral for the bonds to close the budget deficit fund of the state.
"California has given all of their (tobacco) settlement money. He did not get in the fight against tobacco. It should have," said Knox.
California excise tax on cigarettes is currently 87 cents per pack, 50 cents, which goes to programs of early childhood development, and 10 cents in the general fund. The remaining 27 cents are for tobacco education and prevention, health care and research, according to the analysis of the state.
The State Department of Health said last year that the adult smoking dropped to a record low of 11.9 percent, compared with 27.7 percent in 1985.
Proposition 29 would add another $ 1 per pack of cigarettes and other tobacco products. It sets a new state trust funds and the oversight committee is dedicated to cancer and other tobacco-related disease research, education and prevention programs and the fight against smuggling and illicit trade in tobacco.
The tobacco industry has invested millions of dollars into the campaign to defeat the measure, and public opinion seems to be turning against him.
Two recent polls nonpartisan Public Policy Institute of California show the percentage of voters likely to support measures fell from 67 percent in March, up 53 percent this month.
Miller said that the public mood is changing because voters recognize the proposal is not considered 29 state budget deficit by adding "the commission inexplicably" free to spend at their discretion.
Knox, lobbyist for the cancer society, denied that the measure would create a growing bureaucracy, saying it will "rejuvenate" the current program is desperately short of money.
"(Program) has already proved a huge success in reducing smoking," said Knox
Monday, May 21, 2012
3 Tobacco kings paying big dividends now
This article is intended to provide readers with more guidance on which dividend stocks can be judged by the quality and sustainability. Recent setbacks in the general market, dividend yield stock a wider circulation than they may have previously enjoyed. I hope that this increase may be relevant to investors, given the movement in the direction of the stock dividend.
Atria Group (MO) is currently trading at around $ 32 per share and has a market capitalization of about $ 65 billion. In the beta version 0.42, it does not act for those who are in pursuit of income due to the rapid growth in stock prices, although the share price has appreciated by about 16% over the past 12 months. It also exceeds the S & P 500. The real claim to fame Altria is firm and offered generous dividends to shareholders. The yield on these dividends is currently pegged at 5.1%. It made generous dividends Altria expensive institutional investors and mutual fund managers alike. My goal here is to study the ability of Altria, to keep it secure dividends in the future.
Altria originally worked as a producer and distributor of tobacco products. Anyone reading this boom, no doubt, recalls the company's Philip Morris, which was the nickname of the former Altria Group and the obvious reason for its ticker symbol ("MO" by Morris). Altria, like many of his peers in the tobacco trade, suffered several damaging attacks by the medical community, government, and, of course, a civil action supports the usual shots of lawyers who recognize the deep pocket when they see one. In response to Altria, a Philip Morris, began to diversify, primarily through the acquisition of a controlling stake in Kraft Foods (KFT). Later, Philip Morris has undergone re-branding and turned into a present day group of Altria. Altria has since allocated their share of Kraft, and it also highlighted its international arm of the tobacco company Philip Morris International (PM), which makes other tobacco and tobacco, without acquisitions.
Altria Kraft allocated in March 2007 the company completed the spin of the Philip Morris International a year later, in March 2008. Since then, Altria bought U.S. Smokeless Tobacco Company, together with its implementation, Ste. Michelle Wine Estates, wine company. Altria also bought by John Middleton, a cigar manufacturer. Diversification does not stop there. Altria also supports the portfolio of leveraged and direct finance lease rail and ground transportation, aircraft, energy, real estate and manufacturing. Nevertheless, let us consider the stability of reliable dividends Altria.
There is general agreement that a key factor in assessing the quality of the dividends is consistency and growth. Since June 2008, dividends Altria rose from $ 0.29 to $ 0.32, then from $ 0.34 to $ 0.35, to $ 0.38 the next, and finally to $ 0.41, demonstrating both consistency and growth. You will not see a lot of ink for $ 0.75 and $ 0.69, which Altria dividend paid in 2007.
Security and stability are best defined in terms of interest coverage ratio, earnings per share, payout ratio and free cash flow payments. So, let's see how Altria adds.
Interest coverage ratio is the solvency ratio is calculated as profit before tax divided by interest payments. In the case, Altria, the ratio is 5.58. Ratio less than 1.5 is a red flag; so obviously, Altria is in good shape in connection with this standard.
Earnings per share paid for Altria is 96%. It's just a calculation. Simply put, it is equal to (Dividends - Dividends Stock) / net income. Despite the lack of consensus on the acceptable upper limit of this ratio, most would agree that the coefficient of greater than 80% troublesome.
The ratio of free cash flow to Altria also leads 80%, and is a cause for concern as well. Some may argue that the ratio of free cash flow is the best payout ratio than the earnings per share of payments, but investors should look at both. There are differences.
In the end, a convincing argument for adding to its portfolio of Altria can be done. In the end, Altria earnings rose steadily and the payment of dividends, not only has been covered over the past five years, but dividends also increased. While Altria, of course, should not be regarded as a "buy and forget" stocks, with careful monitoring it may be a good game.
Contrasting Altria another high dividend yield stocks could help from our point of view. Let's look at Reynolds American (RAI), the other tobacco stocks, which traded at about $ 40 per share and a market capitalization of about $ 23 billion. Reynolds pays a dividend gives 5.6% as Altria, has earnings per share payout ratio of 96%. Interest coverage ratio, however, is actually higher than Altria coming in at 10.65. Reynolds also offers excellent free cash flow ratio of about 75%. Reynolds also has been a steady increase in dividends and sport identical five-year dividend yield of 8%. In contrast to Altria, however, Reynolds did not enjoy the same level of revenue growth. The trend over the past three years is not beneficial.
Another potential stock dividend from tobacco genre Lorillard (LO), which traded at around $ 127 per share with a market capitalization approaching $ 17 billion. This capital gives 4.3% and has earnings per share payout ratio of 68%. Profit Lorillard, were choppy and shareholder action was in negative territory since 2009. In short, this one requires serious research, especially in light of the recent acquisition of Blu ecigs, manufacturer of electronic cigarettes.
The fact is, focusing on a few indicators and the basis is a sign of a novice investor. It is important to get a broad understanding and deep knowledge of any forward-looking company, you can consider for your portfolio. If a reliable dividend yield is your goal, you will eventually narrow, but not at the expense of the big picture, which should also include any positive or negative catalysts for your research shows.
Disclosure: I have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and does not intend to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours.
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